About Us


We are a brand that aims at encouraging others to get outside and enjoy this great earth we've been put on. To explore and have an adventure. Even if it's just in their backyards. 

We are a family brand. Our families are the driving force that moves Huck & Finn forward. Our hope is to create a desire within others for community. A community with the goal of getting people together, up off their couches, and out into the great outdoors.

We are based in the small hills of North Mississippi where we love to walk creek beds, forests, and the next hill over. 


Here at Huck & Finn we are inspired by classic poetry and American Literature. A great deal of which is inspired by the outdoors. That inspiration goes into the things we make.

At our core we are a clothing company with an emphasis on shirts. Our goal is to design apparel that's heavily influenced by all the great things of nature and the stories we love. And most of all, to make clothing that will last you many journey's down the next trail.